Thursday, June 21, 2007


1a) According to a robot is a mechanical device that sometimes resembles a human and is capable of performing a variety of often complex human tasks on command or by being programmed in advance.


1b)according the defininition of robotics is.The field of computer science and engineering concerned with creating robots, devices that can move and react to sensory input. Robotics is one branch of artificial intelligence.
Robots are now widely used in factories to perform high-precision jobs such as welding and riveting. They are also used in special situations that would be dangerous for humans -- for example, in cleaning toxic wastes or defusing bombs.
2a). When was the first actual robot invented and used? The first invention of a robot and was used was in 1938 by the DeVilbiss Company
2b) In 1942, science fiction writer Isaac Asimov created a set of three imaginary Laws of Robotics. What was the name of the book Asimov wrote in 1942 in which he described the Laws of Robotics? The name of the book Asimov created was called "Runaround",

2c) What is the so-called "Zeroth Law of Robotics? Why is it called the Zeroth Law? The zeroth law is. Issac soon discovered another law called the zeroth law.

2d) a situation where it would be ok to kill or harm someone would be when the patient or human is sick or not healthy.

Purpose and Use of Robots



The domestic robot showed has many tasks
Such as answer (open) the door, play media
Files and also connect to the net and
Download orders from the mothership.
According to


This industrial robot can be used for
Welding in the workplace and can be
Used for welding car metal and other
Machinery.acorrding to

4)Welding robotThe automotive industry is a major user of robotic spot welders they can be used for many helpful things such as welding metal together on cars and even other machinery. According to.www.robotics.utexas.eduPainting robotanother popular robot industrie is painting appliances and machinery and cars. The painting from a robot is unique and also another advantage is that they don’t waste any paint at all.acording to. www.robotics.utexas.eduRobo alarm clockThe robo alarm clock lets you wake up to music in your ears this alarm is on wheels and can change positions every morning that you wake up this invention has sold to over 2 million buyers.Robot vacuomeRobot vacuome can clean dirty and unclean spots in your house that u can’t get to with your Normal vacuome cleaner. The robot vacuome cleaner is cordless and has no cords following it through the house. According to. http://www.irobot.com5a)Controller.All robots have a computer inside them witch keeps parts running. The controller is known as the head leader (tells everything what to do) it also allows the robot to work with other components.
Arm. the robot arm can do many amazing things it could be programmed to do anything your arm could do the arm on a robot could be the main part of the robot only in some cases but in the main robots the arms is the most important component it can be used to open dors do cleaning anything you program it to do.Drive. The drive is similar to an engine on a car it runs all the components on the robot so if the robot didn’t have a drive the robot would act as if it had no life.
End Effector. The end effector is the hand or claw on the end of the robot arm that preforms an action. When robots is programmed to proform.Sensor.The sensor is like a laser that sends all information that is need to where it is needed to travel to. It also gives information about its atmosphere and who is standing near the robot.• Rotate base of arm• Pivot base of arm• Bend elbow• Wrist up and down• Wrist left and right• Rotate wrist

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